Monday, July 27, 2009

What I Thought I Knew

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Usually, biographies are not my cup of tea. Honestly, I brought this one home because it was relatively short and I hoped I would have a chance to actually finish it. Here's the scoop: Alice Cohen, a middle-aged freelance actress and writer begins experiencing strange symptoms and after months of tests and examinations is eventually diagnosed with cancer. During a CAT scan, her doctor discovers that she is in fact, six months pregnant. While she adores her adopted daughter, Alice (who has been told she was infertile her entire life) is horrified. She has had no prenatal care, drank gallons of Italian wine on a recent vacation, and has taken hormones throughout her pregnancy. Alice is tortured by the decision to carry her child to term; she considers adoption and abortion. Her memoir of these months is peppered with lists she composed to help her cope - each entitled "What I know." Alice's story brought me to laughter and tears - it was honest, engaging and quite unforgettable. You'll want to share this one!

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