Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Sabriel by Garth Nix

Many people have, no doubt, already discovered this wonderful series. But I’m new to reading Garth Nix, so I was thrilled to find out about this great fantasy novel. Nix’s book is filled with all the elements of classic high fantasy, yet the story is also original and hauntingly real.

Though Sabriel grew up in the relatively modern-day land of Ancelstierre, she was born north of the Wall in the magical Old Kingdom. Her father is a necromancer there, making sure that the spirits of the dead stay dead – and don’t come back to plague the living. When Sabriel receives word that her father is missing, she sets out to find him. Along the way, she must pass through the Old Kingdom - a magical world full of danger, mystery, and long buried grudges.

I have not read high fantasy in a while, and Sabriel was a welcome return to my favorite genre. The book, in my opinion, did have one slow part - namely, the few chapters when Sabriel is traveling alone, before her interesting traveling companions show up. That bit aside, this story is one I’d recommend to any fan of high fantasy who has not yet discovered Garth Nix.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Traveler, by John Twelve Hawks

The reality of this book is a bit scary. It explores the Big Brother theory quite deeply and in a 21st century way.
Maya is a Harlequin, who are raised with one purpose in life: to defend Travelers, who are unique people who have the ability to travel to other realms and they are the people who through time have been able to help bring about changes in humanity. The Tabula are sworn to kill all Travelers and Harlequins in order to control the world.
The book is a literary treasure filled with religious and literary reference from around the world and across traditions. It is a book for book lovers who will be intrigued by finding all the reference, yet the story is strong enough to capture the imagination of even the most casual of readers.
The main premise is that there is a war going on in this world, but it is a war that most are unaware of. Like all wars there are two sides, The Harlequin's and the Tabula or as they prefer to be called `The Brethren'. The Harlequin's are warriors committed to protecting the Travelers; Travelers are people who have the ability to send their life energy from their body and travel to other realms. They are lonely isolated people who live to serve. The travelers often become gurus or healers or prophets. The traveler's after returning from a different plane of existence return changed and their views of life challenge other people to look at their own lives and to seek something more. The Tabula on the other hand want to control the world. They want to have control over every person's life.
I had a very dificult time while I was away from this book because I was always thinking about it and when I could get back to it. I am very much looking froward to the next 2 in the trilogy.