A skewed vision, yet pertinent considering the current immigration debate, Martin’s novel is one endless diatribe against the “white man” and yet for all that, is warm hearted and fantastic or at least, I hope it is only a fantasy. I sailed through this story with its odd, relatively action-less plot, continuous dialogue and incredible vision. More than you may want to know about our history with Native Americans, this is nonetheless, a challenging, exciting story.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Facing Rushmore by David Lozell Martin
A skewed vision, yet pertinent considering the current immigration debate, Martin’s novel is one endless diatribe against the “white man” and yet for all that, is warm hearted and fantastic or at least, I hope it is only a fantasy. I sailed through this story with its odd, relatively action-less plot, continuous dialogue and incredible vision. More than you may want to know about our history with Native Americans, this is nonetheless, a challenging, exciting story.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Search for the Golden Moon Bear by Sy Montgomery
I don’t usually read non-fiction, and especially not books on biology. So it must have been the big, friendly picture of a bear on the cover of this book that led me to pick it up. Though the book is slower-paced and took me a long time to read, I’m glad I read it.
Search for the Golden Moon Bear follows its title pretty closely. Sy Montgomery, the author, and a biologist friend hear strange reports of a golden moon bear in the region of
This book is very hard to sum up: at times philosophical, at times a funny travelogue,